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TSA Riley

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Advait Vyas

Project Management requires good organisation skills and the ability to prioritise tasks according to their requirements.

5.45 AM

Early start for me but my alarm is my dog Cooper who wakes me up every morning and kicks me out of bed. I’m out by 6.30 ready for work!
TSA Management Graduate Advait Vyas cooper

8.00 AM

Get to work and it's very quiet (not for long though). I find a nice seat, set up and look through my to do list from the previous day to make sure there aren’t any urgent items that require a response. I also look through any e-mails that may have come through the previous night and if there are any items that need action. 
TSA Management Graduate Advait Vyas working

9.00 AM

The first hour just flies by, but slowly the office starts filling up and with that I also actually properly wake up (hopefully my manager doesn’t read this). I usually catch up with my team and inform them of any updates on any of the tasks that I may have been assigned. They also delegate different tasks to me along with information about the project including updates, meetings, progress etc. Project Management requires good organisation skills and the ability to prioritise tasks according to their requirements. This is something that I am still learning given my Uni days of constant procrastination! 

TSA Management Graduate Advait Vyas meeting

9.30 AM

I usually need a coffee to kick start my brain again, so myself and a couple of other people pop down to Back Row West for our morning coffee. Being situated right in Sydney city is so great; there are so many cafes, restaurants, parks nearby. 

10.00 AM

Now that I’ve had my coffee its back to work! Today I’m trying to wrap up/follow up on a few outstanding items of a hotel project that I am currently working on. It is in its final stages so there are various items, certifications, documents etc. that must be processed in order to ensure it’s ready. This requires getting in touch with the contractors on site and asking whether items have been actioned or not. Another very important part of the job is to be able to maintain and create new relationships with all the key stakeholders on the project. It is about as collaborative a job as you can get, so making those connections is extremely important to make sure all stakeholders are engaged, doing what is required and happy!

12.00 PM

Finally, it’s time for lunch! Even though I actually have bought food from home, I conveniently ignore all the calls from my lunch in the fridge and decide to head to Barangaroo for lunch with a few of my colleagues. There’s way too much to choose from, so I’m glad someone else is doing the deciding. One of the really great things about working at TSA is the people. Everyone you see has a smile on their face and is always available to help. Personally, that’s very important as I am someone who likes to be around positive and collaborative people.

TSA Management Graduate Advait Vyas lunch

1.00 PM

Today I have to go to site to do an inspection. This is a very important part of the job as we do this to ensure that works are being completed on schedule and then communicate our findings in a report to the client. Maintaining constant contact with the client is imperative as we, as project managers, are responsible to ensure that the project is moving at the rate required and in the budget required. We usually do these site visits weekly to make sure that there is consistent progress.

4.00 PM

After the site visit, we consolidate all our findings, talk to the Site Managers and Engineers for any tasks / queries / outstanding items that still need to be addressed. Another great part of the job is watching your project unfold to completion!

4.30 PM

Today is the monthly staff meeting! So we head back to the office to make sure we don't miss out on any of the developments in the business and the socialising. TSA is a very inclusive place to work and so these meetings are another opportunity for all of us to just rewind, look back at what great work the rest of the team have done and have a good time! The culture here is a fantastic balance of hard work and good times.